Friday, November 11, 2011

A Much-Needed Update

I swear it's completely accidental that my last post was 3 months ago to the day. Happy 11/11/11, everyone!
I read on NPR that a lot of couples are getting married today just for the unique date. In some places, mass ceremonies were even held to accommodate all the trendy newlyweds. Interesting!

Anyway, an update. I have been nannying to a lovely baby boy first occasionally, and now on two fixed days every week, since I was hired in August. He is now 4 months old and counting, and it it such a joy to watch him grow. I take care of him on Wednesdays and Fridays, so from one Friday to the next Wednesday I am always amazed at how he has grown, even in those four days! Currently his interests include rolling from his back to his belly, scooting around (sometimes close to a complete circle) on his belly, grabbing & placing objects in his mouth, and listening to me sing. He usually ignores music unless I sing along to it, so I am trying to expand my song repertoire because I am getting sick of Old McDonald/Baby Beluga/The Itsy Bitsy Spider! I've created some decent children's music channels on Pandora to help, as well as checked out some cds from the library.

This experience has been my most enjoyable yet with children, because I do not have to stress about meeting standards nor managing the behavior of a room-full of students. I can focus on one child, and my goal is to keep him happy and healthy. I also get the opportunity to build a close relationship with the parents, which makes my job even more personable. Thus, I have realized that this-private nannying-is the kind of job that I can see myself doing for a long time. After I graduate next month, I will continue to care for the same baby boy while hopefully finding another nannying position on the other days of the week. I am excited to see where this job will take me.

As far as school goes, I am sad to say that I am not enjoying it like I thought I would. Senioritis has hit me hard, and I am itching to shed the student lifestyle (sleep, attend lecture, study, repeat) and work full-time. Only 3 weeks to go til finals, though, so I am close to the finish line!

I will definitely post again soon, probably after the craziness of finals has settled.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Buenas Noticias

I have two good pieces of news to speak of.
caps,first aid,health,hospitals,lifestyles,medicine,nurses,Occupations,pads,people,uniforms,working
1) I recently took a basic CPR/First Aid class and obtained certification in each that will not expire until August 2013. A friend recommended that I go through 123 CPR, a small company that offers classes at a very affordable rate. In all I paid $30 for the class, which is a huge bargain compared to other places. The class was small (4 people) which I always appreciate because I feel more confident asking questions and having more one-on-one support. It was very well-taught and I now feel confident to deal with common emergency situations.
babies,baby,baby buggies,baby carriages,births,buggies,carriages,females,households,people,perambulators,persons,prams,strollers,women
2) I got hired to be a nanny for a baby boy for two days a week. Besides fitting well with my school schedule, this is a great opportunity for me to gain experience in infant care and development. I can't wait to celebrate this child's milestones and watch him grow. :)

Well, the new school year is just around the corner and boy am I impatient for it to start. I will be taking 15 credits of my choosing, so hopefully it will be a relatively enjoyable last semester of my undergrad studies.

We'll see how it goes!

Monday, August 1, 2011

New School Year Blues...

I have been thinking of my former first-graders as they get ready to go back to school next week. Most of them will be in second grade! A lot of teachers will tell you they can never forget their first class of students. Although I was not their main teacher, I met last year's class as they were fresh from kindergarten and stayed with them through the end of first grade. I taught them some things, but mostly they taught me-about classroom management, attention spans, Mexican immigrant culture, and most of all they cemented my conviction that I want to spend my career around kids!

I can't help but feel a little sad thinking of them moving on without me-to second grade, back to Mexico, to other schools/teachers. I will no longer be in their lives, but they will always be a part of mine. Those 20-odd students who showed me the realities of being a teacher in a low-SES school. They will always have a place in my heart, and I hope that each and every one of them succeeds in school and in life, and that they never lose their love for learning.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hello There

It's been awhile, hasn't it? I've been spending my time relaxing and getting organized after the end of the school year. I've also made some changes which I know will be for the best.

First, I've left the elementary ed. program I was in to pursue a "selected studies" education degree, which basically means that I need to take 15 more credit hours (5 classes) to complete my bachelor's degree. That means I will still be graduating this December (yippee!!)

Second, I've decided to change my focus from elementary to early childhood. I've realized that my strengths in working with children lie in the areas of building social skills and interacting with kids on a more casual level. I also love, love, love small children. Thus, I've adjusted my goals (As we all do from time to time) and have set my sights on a job working with young children in a daycare or preschool setting.

Third, to accomplish #2, I have made up my mind to work towards a master's degree after I graduate with my bachelor's. I found a five-semester, online program through my alma mater, ASU, that will allow me to work while taking classes and earn my MA and a certification to teach in early childhood settings.

So, lots of changes but all in my best interests. I will still be using this blog to document my journey from student to teacher, so stay tuned! :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Note

Dear Children,

     I am counting down the days right along with you. I love you dearly but your wild behavior is wearing me out.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Management Lessons

Management is going better this week. I have learned two lessons thus far:

1) Confidence is key. Acting like you know what you are doing and not hesitating in your directions and instruction gives students the impression that you have everything under control. When they trust that you are in control, they will follow your lead!

2) Being prepared aids confidence, and thus management. When you have all materials in place ahead of time-copies, lesson plans, supplies, etc.-you don't have to worry about figuring out last-minute details right before the school day begins or during your precious little prep time.

I'm glad I am learning these Teacher Truths now rather than in my first year!

Also, I am making tissue paper flowers with my kiddos tomorrow:

Last week when we made a Mother's Day craft, they were aaaallllll over the place, so here's hoping they are a little calmer this time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


If I am the problem, I am also the solution. This does not comfort me as much as it annoys the heck out of me.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here Goes...

My New & Improved Management Plan for the last 3 1/2 weeks of school (during which time I will be completely in charge) shall consist of the following revisions:

a) The Come to Jesus Talk-I will sit with my students at the carpet area and have a frank talk with them about my behavior expectations for them while I am in charge. No more Ms. Pushover Teacher!

b) Every time we walk in line, I will have them each hold a paper with a hallway expectation written on it (part of the schoolwide behavior system). If/when one of them starts messing around, I will simply stop the line and ask the student to read their sign (I may have to help them read it, but that's okay) and then tell me what they were doing wrong. If the behavior continues, I will take away a few minutes of their recess time.

c) I have traded my treasure bag idea for that of a "popcorn party." If my class does what is expected while I am in charge, they will earn a letter. They must earn all the letters in P-O-P-C-O-R-N-P-A-R-T-Y in order to get said party in the last week of school. We'll see how they do with this.

I am hoping that the combination of the above three strategies will be enough to turn my kids' behavior around during these last few weeks of the school year.

(crossing my fingers, hoping and praying)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


"With great power comes great responsibility."
-Peter Parker (Spider-Man)

"I've come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom.
It's my personal approach that creates the climate. It's my daily mood that makes the weather.
As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal.
In all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized."
-Haim Ginott

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

M is for...

M is for Management. I've been struggling with this part of teaching lately. Well, okay, I've been struggling with it all year, but I've reached a point where I don't know what else I can do. The problem, I know, is that I was too nice/lax in the beginning, thus setting the stage for the kids to walk all over me for the rest of the year. Trying to be tough after being nice is like pulling teeth. Next school year, for my student teaching semester, I am going to be super tough at first so that I won't have to deal with as many discipline problems later on! I do have a good group of students though-their main problem is that they like to talk, talk, talk (which is good for ELD kids but bad when you're trying to walk quietly down the hallway, read a book aloud, or teach a lesson).

M is for Monolingual. We got a new student in our class yesterday. She's monolingual-she only speaks Spanish, although I did find out today that she can count up to 6 in English. I also found out that it is very hard to teach/communicate while following Arizona's "English Only" mandate. I wish lawmakers would get their butts into a classroom every so often to see what education is really like.

M is for Motivation. I've been lacking in this area as well. I am nearing the end of my fourth year, or eighth semester, of undergraduate studies. I am SO READY to be done!!! Only a handful of assignments, half-day summer school teaching in June, and a semester of student teaching + a 3-credit course stands between me and graduation!!!!!! Wait...that's a lot. Better to just see it in terms of months-8 more till I am faced with the Real World!  =O  =D

Monday, April 25, 2011

My First Class

I've been interning for the past school year in a first grade ELD (English Language Development) class in a Title I school. I have fallen in love with this class. Every single student, even the troublemakers, are sweet at heart. They have brought me so much joy (and frustration!) on the Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays that I have been in the classroom all day with them. They have taught me so much more about pedagogy than any of my college courses. I love every one of these kids so much. They say you never forget your first class-usually that pertains to the first class you teach on your own-but I think this current class is that first class that I'll never forget. Some of them have tough home lives, most of them are economically poor, and all of them are still learning how to speak the English language fluently, but none of that matters when they step through those school doors. To me they are the future of our world, and I have so much hope in and for every one of them.

So here's to the kids who inspire me to be a better teacher and a better person :)

Down from the Door

Here I am, creating another blog. It's been awhile. I intend to use this blog for myself, to be able to look back and see how far I've come, and for others, to accompany me on my journey, if they are so inclined.

Thus marks another stage in my journey to the future, that big unknown. I will know I have arrived when I secure a permanent teaching position with my own classroom.

Until then, hang on; it's going to be a bumpy ride!

The Road goes ever on and on
Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
Pursuing it with eager feet,
Until it joins some larger way
Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
-J.R.R. Tolkien