Friday, November 11, 2011

A Much-Needed Update

I swear it's completely accidental that my last post was 3 months ago to the day. Happy 11/11/11, everyone!
I read on NPR that a lot of couples are getting married today just for the unique date. In some places, mass ceremonies were even held to accommodate all the trendy newlyweds. Interesting!

Anyway, an update. I have been nannying to a lovely baby boy first occasionally, and now on two fixed days every week, since I was hired in August. He is now 4 months old and counting, and it it such a joy to watch him grow. I take care of him on Wednesdays and Fridays, so from one Friday to the next Wednesday I am always amazed at how he has grown, even in those four days! Currently his interests include rolling from his back to his belly, scooting around (sometimes close to a complete circle) on his belly, grabbing & placing objects in his mouth, and listening to me sing. He usually ignores music unless I sing along to it, so I am trying to expand my song repertoire because I am getting sick of Old McDonald/Baby Beluga/The Itsy Bitsy Spider! I've created some decent children's music channels on Pandora to help, as well as checked out some cds from the library.

This experience has been my most enjoyable yet with children, because I do not have to stress about meeting standards nor managing the behavior of a room-full of students. I can focus on one child, and my goal is to keep him happy and healthy. I also get the opportunity to build a close relationship with the parents, which makes my job even more personable. Thus, I have realized that this-private nannying-is the kind of job that I can see myself doing for a long time. After I graduate next month, I will continue to care for the same baby boy while hopefully finding another nannying position on the other days of the week. I am excited to see where this job will take me.

As far as school goes, I am sad to say that I am not enjoying it like I thought I would. Senioritis has hit me hard, and I am itching to shed the student lifestyle (sleep, attend lecture, study, repeat) and work full-time. Only 3 weeks to go til finals, though, so I am close to the finish line!

I will definitely post again soon, probably after the craziness of finals has settled.
