Monday, May 16, 2011

A Note

Dear Children,

     I am counting down the days right along with you. I love you dearly but your wild behavior is wearing me out.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Management Lessons

Management is going better this week. I have learned two lessons thus far:

1) Confidence is key. Acting like you know what you are doing and not hesitating in your directions and instruction gives students the impression that you have everything under control. When they trust that you are in control, they will follow your lead!

2) Being prepared aids confidence, and thus management. When you have all materials in place ahead of time-copies, lesson plans, supplies, etc.-you don't have to worry about figuring out last-minute details right before the school day begins or during your precious little prep time.

I'm glad I am learning these Teacher Truths now rather than in my first year!

Also, I am making tissue paper flowers with my kiddos tomorrow:

Last week when we made a Mother's Day craft, they were aaaallllll over the place, so here's hoping they are a little calmer this time.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


If I am the problem, I am also the solution. This does not comfort me as much as it annoys the heck out of me.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here Goes...

My New & Improved Management Plan for the last 3 1/2 weeks of school (during which time I will be completely in charge) shall consist of the following revisions:

a) The Come to Jesus Talk-I will sit with my students at the carpet area and have a frank talk with them about my behavior expectations for them while I am in charge. No more Ms. Pushover Teacher!

b) Every time we walk in line, I will have them each hold a paper with a hallway expectation written on it (part of the schoolwide behavior system). If/when one of them starts messing around, I will simply stop the line and ask the student to read their sign (I may have to help them read it, but that's okay) and then tell me what they were doing wrong. If the behavior continues, I will take away a few minutes of their recess time.

c) I have traded my treasure bag idea for that of a "popcorn party." If my class does what is expected while I am in charge, they will earn a letter. They must earn all the letters in P-O-P-C-O-R-N-P-A-R-T-Y in order to get said party in the last week of school. We'll see how they do with this.

I am hoping that the combination of the above three strategies will be enough to turn my kids' behavior around during these last few weeks of the school year.

(crossing my fingers, hoping and praying)